《快学Scala》(英文版:《Scala for the Impatient》),代码已传github:
书为第一版。scala为2.11.4,jdk1.7.45,操作系统Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1。
第十八章 高级类型
上述代码应显示4 10 5。
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| package _1801 { class Bug(var pos: Int = 0) { var forword: Int = 1 def move(up: Int):this.type = { pos += forword * up this } def show():this.type = { print(pos + " ") this } def turn():this.type = { forword = -forword this } } class Test extends App { val bugsy = new Bug bugsy.move(4).show().move(6).show().turn().move(5).show() } }
bugsy move 4 and show and then move 6 and show turn around move 5 and show
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| package _1802 { object then object show object around class Bug(var pos: Int = 0) { var forword: Int = 1 def move(num: Int): this.type = { pos += num; this } def and(obj: then.type): this.type = this def and(obj: show.type): this.type = { print(pos + " "); this} def turn(obj: around.type): this.type = { pos = 0; this} } class Test extends App { val bugsy = new Bug bugsy move 4 and show and then move 6 and show turn around move 5 and show } }
book set Title to “Scala for the Impatient” set Author to “Cay Horstmann”
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| class Document { var title: String = "" var author: String = "" def setTitle(title: String):this.type = {this.title = title; this} def setAuthor(author: String):this.type = {this.author= author; this} } object Title object Author class Book extends Document{ private var useNextArgAs:Any = null def set(obj: Any): this.type = {useNextArgAs = obj; this} def to(obj:String) = { useNextArgAs match{ case Title => setTitle(obj) case Author => setAuthor(obj) case _ => } this } } object Main extends App { val book = new Book book set Title to "Scala for the Impatient" set Author to "Cay Horstmann" println(book.title) println(book.author) }
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| import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class Network { class Member(val name: String) { val contacts = new ArrayBuffer[Member] def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Member] override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { case that: Member => (that canEqual this) && name == that.name case _ => false } } private val members = new ArrayBuffer[Member] def join(name: String) = { val m = new Member(name) members += m m } } val network1 = new Network().join("1") val network2 = new Network().join("1") println(network1.equals(network2))
type NetworkMember = n.Member forSome { val n : Network }
def process(m1: NetworkMember, m2: NetworkMember) = (m1, m2)
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| def getIndex(arr: Seq[Int], v: Int): Int Either Int = { if (arr.contains(v)) { Left(arr.indexOf(v)) } else { Right(arr.indexOf(arr.reduce((a,b) => if (math.abs(v - a) > math.abs(v - b)) b else a))) } } println(getIndex(Seq(2,3,4,5,-2,-3),1))
def close(): Unit
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| def tryWithClose[T<:{def close():Unit}](obj:T,func: T => Unit)={ try{ func(obj) }finally { obj.close() } }
printValues((x: Int) => x*x, 3, 6) //将打印 9 16 25 36
printValues(Array(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55), 3, 6) //将打印 3 5 8 13
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| def printValues(f:{def apply(param:Int):Int}, from:Int, to:Int)={ for(i <- from to to) { print(f.apply(i) + " ") } } printValues((x: Int) => x*x, 3, 6) printValues(Array(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55), 3, 6)
abstract class DimT{
protected def create(v: Double): T
def + (other: Dim[T]) = create(value + other.value)
override def toString() = value + “ “ + name
class Seconds(v: Double) extends DimSeconds{
override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v)
class Meters(v: Double) extends DimSeconds{
override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v)
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| abstract class Dim[T](val value: Double, val name: String){ this: T => protected def create(v: Double): T def + (other: Dim[T]) = create(value + other.value) override def toString() = value + " " + name } class Seconds(v: Double) extends Dim[Seconds](v, "s"){ override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v) } class Meters(v: Double) extends Dim[Seconds](v, "m"){ override def create(v: Double) = new Seconds(v) }
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| trait A { def sing() = "from a" } trait C { this: A => val w = sing + "from c" } class B{ this: C => val k = w } val b = new B with C with A println(b.k)
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